"Hack any Facebook account in 20 seconds!"

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"Hack any Facebook account in 20 seconds!"

Created: Sunday, 26 January 2014 Written by Ehab Eldeeb

Yes, the title might be interesting for some people .. but is "hacking Facebook accounts" that easy?

Well, no! Hacking a Facebook account through a script is IMPOSSIBLE!

Read this post on our page on Facebook [Post is written in Arabic]


Now watch this video BUT DON'T DO IT!

Link of the Video

The script supplied in the video at http://pastebin.com/raw.php?i=eHg33DJf

The script - JavaScript - only sends massive likes to some random pages and follows to some random accounts..

Now let's take a look into the script .. here's a part of it


// Lists //



The (a, sublist, Like) are functions defined in the beginning of the script

Now let's pick the ID of the accounts that you would follow if you run the script

Go to www.facebook.com/ACCOUNT_ID -- Replace ACCOUNT_ID with the ID between the brackets

They will mostly be "Female Accounts", and 100% Fake

For example, Let's try the ID 100003777966400
Go to www.facebook.com/100003777966400 .. you will be redirected to the account linked with that ID

Now take a look on the picture below!

Okay, that's a fake account :)

Same thing applies for Pages .. Take the ID and find out what page it is..
We only used that Fake account ID just for the demonstration


And that's all about it .. Don't do it .. Don't fall to spammers' tricks .. Stay safe.

If you were tricked into this .. go to your activity log -> Likes .. here's the list of the latest likes.
Now all you have to do is .. Unlike them or keep them .. the choice is yours!