Facebook Auto Publish
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Facebook Auto Publish
Created: Thursday, 19 December 2013 Written by Ehab Eldeeb
Publishing Content to Facebook directly from your website
I spent two hours trying to learn how to do it .. you have to create a PHP SDK and link it with Facebook SDK
Well, there are already some scripts available for free than can do the job for you
all you have to do is to install it, and let it work :)
There are ready-made plugins for WordPress and Joomla! that can post the articles you create to Facebook right away
Joomla Plugin: http://www.joomlavi.com/joomla-extensions/jv-social-publish.html
WordPress Plugin: http://wordpress.org/plugins/sharepress/
Different Ideas: Subscriptions
What if you want people to subscribe to your app and then YOU publish on THEIR timelines?!
"HlounPost" does that job
The script has Arabic user interface, but you can change it to any language you want
Read more about this script in this article