My Experience with RobEn Robot #2

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My Experience with RobEn Robot #2

Created: Thursday, 22 May 2014 Written by Ehab Eldeeb

In our Previous Project: RobEn 101 (A.K.A Tatta7), We've made an Infra Red Remote Controlled, two-wheel drive robot.


The Story...

This time, we have drastically improved .. We've built our second robot with a Radio-Frequency Remote Control
Four-wheel drive with Four 24-volts DC Motors, and a Robotic Arm with 3 servo motors and one DC Motor to rotate around its axis.

We have been working for more than a week, sleepless!
Even though it's a final examinations season, we managed to finish our robot in a short time :)

Sadly the competition was cancelled due to permissions problem (Quad-copter + Minesweeper .. they need high level permissions)

Anyway, We've drastically improved .. We have learned something new .. We have worked great together!

RobEn AAST .. I'm proud to be working with you guys!


Components of This Robot


Program Code for the Control Unit

The control code this time is a bit more complicated than the first one, but it works better now :)

[I was going to release my source code for this robot, but I've decided not to..]

[Read this on Facebook]


Some Pictures of the Robot

Some pictures will be added soon..