Nested Structs

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Nested Structs

Created: Thursday, 02 January 2014 Written by Ehab Eldeeb

This is the best definition for this .. "Nested Struct" which is actually a struct including a struct inside of it.

First of all, you should read this article:  "What are structs?"

Now let's explain what a nested struct is

typedef struct {
char name[20];
float grade;
} course;

typedef struct {
char name[100];
int ID;
float GPA;
course subject[6];
} student;

int main() {
student mystudent[20];
return 0;

To deal with the course of the student you will do like that..
inside two for loops of course .. one for the student (20) and one for the subject (6)

Simply, Struct inside another. As easy as that :)