Structs (Data Structures)

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Structs (Data Structures)

Created: Monday, 12 August 2013 Written by Ehab Eldeeb

Using Data Structs with Example

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

// Structs MUST BE defined before main() .. Use this stock every time, just change the name for the struct, and what's inside it for sure..

typedef struct { // always write it like that
    int ID; // a variable with type int in the struct
    float GPA; // a variable with type float in the struct
    char name[20]; // a string in the struct
} student; // struct name

int main(){
    student X; // define a new struct with variable name X (just like when you define an int variable int x; )

    // to read name of student
    printf("Enter name of student: ");
    gets(; // gets to read string right? .. what's inside is like .. name inside the struct x.. just like a name in a box

    // to read student's ID
    printf("Enter student ID: ");
    scanf("%d", &X.ID); // scanf 3ady gedan bas hate2ra ID gowa struct X

    // to read student's GPA nafs el kalam
    printf("Enter student GPA: ");
    scanf("%f", &X.GPA); // e2ra el GPA gowa el struct X

    return 0;