Using Files in C/C++

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Using Files in C/C++

Created: Monday, 12 August 2013 Written by Ehab Eldeeb

Live Example with Explanation

Included in this example:
- Structs
- Using Files
- While loop (obviously)

#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>

typedef struct { // define struct, this is a stock, write it just like that
    char name[20]; // contents of the struct
    int ID; // contents of the struct
    float GPA; // contents of the struct
}Student; // struct name FOLLOWED BY A SEMICOLON

void main(){
    Student x;
    FILE *f;
    f = fopen("D:/db.txt", "r"); // open file for reading
    while(feof(f) == 0){ // make sure the file didn't end
        // foeof( pointer ) .. that means end of file pointed to by that pointer
        fscanf(f, "%s%d%f",, &x.ID, &x.GPA); // fscanf .. just like scanf but from file
        printf("\n\nName: %s\nID: %d\nGPA: %f",, x.ID, x.GPA); // print out what we read
    fclose(f); // close the file to prevent corruption

// Writing to file is just the same but in the fopen you write "w" instead of "r"
// There's also append "a" but you won't use it