Do/Do-While/For Loops
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Do/Do-While/For Loops
Created: Monday, 12 August 2013 Written by Ehab Eldeeb
There are generally three types of loops in C
you can use either of them depending on the situation
Note: This is a rough and fast explanation
For Loop: You know where to start (start value) and where to end (final value) and increment/decrement value
While Loop: You start (initial value) but you don't know where to end, so you put a condition for stopping
example: while (n > 0) ...Do-While Loop: Similar to While loop with just one difference, which is... you get to process the code once before checking the condition
example: do { ....... } while ( n > 0); // notice there's a semicolon here
For Loop:
for ( initial ; condition ; increment/decrement){
code statements;
for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++){
printf("Ehab Eldeeb is awesome \n");
This for loop will be repeated 10 times..
The statement says Ehab Eldeeb is awesome, so it will print out that sentence 10 times :)
While Loop:
int x = 10;
while(x > 5){
printf("Ehab Eldeeb is awesome");
this while loop will print out Ehab Eldeeb is awesome until the value of x gets changed and becomes <= 5
Do-While Loop:
Do-While is similar to while loop but the statement will be processed once even if the condition is false.