Structured Programming - Lesson 1
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Structured Programming - Lesson 1
Created: Monday, 12 August 2013 Written by Ehab Eldeeb
Data Types
Data Type is a reserved word for any programming language that tells the program what type of data you are using
- Integer (Whole Number) : int, short, long
- Floating Point (Fractions) : float, double
- Character (letter or symbol) : char
- For a whole word you will need to use "String" .. it will be covered later on in the next course "Programming Applications"
- An identifier is the name used for a data object (a variable or a constant), or for a function, in a C program.
- Note that it's case-sensitive (Ehab is not ehab .. they are different)
- using meaningful identifiers is a good thing for yourself so you can understand what you are doing
an identifier must start with a letter or underscore .. you can't begin your identifier with a number, and be followed by zero or more letters
(A-Z, a-z), digits (0-9), or underscores
It's okay to use these examples for an identifier:
- age_of_person
- taxRateY2K
- PrintHeading
- ageOfHorse
- TeMpeRaTuRe
While it's NOT okay to use these words as identifiers:
- age# (symbols are not allowed)
- 2000TaxRate (Cannot start with a number)
- int (data types cannot be used as identifiers)
Place Holders
%d %f %lf %c ... what are those?
int age = 8;
printf( “ The age is %d years “, age );
This will print out "The age is 8 years"
You will understand more when we get into writing an actual program
\n .. New Line
Example: printf("My name is \n Ehab");
This will print out "My Name is " on a line, and "Ehab" on the line under it
\t .. tabbed space (Just like if you press "space" 5 times)
You can write a comment inside your program using this tag /* .......... */
Example: printf("Hello World"); /* Print out hello world message */
the comment "Print out hello world message" will be seen in the source code, but will not be displayed in the actual application
Example Program "Hello World"
#include <stdio.h>
#include <conio.h>
void main(){
printf("Hello World");
... That's it :D
One Last thing ... Programming Errors
Syntax errors : detected by complier
- Missing semicolons ;
- Undeclared variables,…etc
Run-time errors
- detected during execution. E.g. division by zero
Logical errors
- Due to faulty algorithm .. example "2 + 2" is written in the program variable1 - variable2
.... This was the introduction to C Programming
For sure, you will understand better in the lecture, this article is just for reference