Experimental Methods - Installing LabView

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Experimental Methods - Installing LabView

Created: Wednesday, 30 October 2013

This process is relatively easy and takes no effort, but I decided to write this guide on "How to install and activate LabView"

First of all, get the LabView installation files and the other required files from Eng. Fouz's website (Here)

So, extract the LabView installation folder (32 bits or 64 bits depending on your computer)

Install LabView just like any other application, run the "setup.exe" as administrator

First Step - Install LabView

After installing successfully, you will find a 30-day trial limitation, now let's remove that limit

you will find a file that looks like this one

Step 2 - Crack File

Right click and run as administrator

Step 3 - Right click and run as administrator

Now, all you have to do is to "right click" on each box and click "Activate"  (as shown below)
[Professional is enough I think, but let's do it for each of them and peace your mind]

Step 4 - Crack it!

Now close the activator file, and enjoy your lifetime-activated LabView :)

Good Luck!


- Install NI-VISA to communicate with the Arduino card

- Install VI Package Manager to define LabView interface for Arduino

- Install Arduino software so that you could upload your "LabView interface for Arduino" to your Arduino card.

You can get those downloads from ni.com or Eng. Fouz's site ( http://sites.google.com/site/moustafafouz )

Activator: Click here