GPA Calculator
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GPA Calculator
I wrote this program back in June 2013, Now I'm sharing it on my little website :)
Note that you will get an error ".........dll is not found" if you don't have Visual Studio Installed [vcredist 2010]
Solution: (Select one of the two solutions)
- Install Visual Studio OR Visual Studio Runtime Environment
32 bit Windows: Here 64 bit Windows: Here
Source: - Download this DLL Pack and EXTRACT it in C:\Windows\
It's also FREE OPEN SOURCE! You can view the source code freely down here, it's nothing brilliant tho..
** GPA Calculator for Arab Academy
** Website :
** Written on : June 17th, 2013
** Last Update: June 19th, 2013
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
// Transform Grade to Number
float transform(char x[]){
float credHours = 3;
if (strcmp(x, "A+") == 0 || strcmp(x, "a+") == 0)
return 12/credHours;
else if (strcmp(x, "A") == 0 || strcmp(x, "a") == 0)
return 11.5/credHours;
else if (strcmp(x, "A-") == 0 || strcmp(x, "a-") == 0)
return 11/credHours;
else if (strcmp(x, "B+") == 0 || strcmp(x, "b+") == 0)
return 10/credHours;
else if (strcmp(x, "B") == 0 || strcmp(x, "b") == 0)
return 9/credHours;
else if (strcmp(x, "B-") == 0 || strcmp(x, "b-") == 0)
return 8/credHours;
else if (strcmp(x, "C+") == 0 || strcmp(x, "c+") == 0)
return 7/credHours;
else if (strcmp(x, "C") == 0 || strcmp(x, "c") == 0)
return 6/credHours;
else if (strcmp(x, "C-") == 0 || strcmp(x, "c-") == 0)
return 5/credHours;
else if (strcmp(x, "D") == 0 || strcmp(x, "d") == 0)
return 4/credHours;
else if (strcmp(x, "F") == 0 || strcmp(x, "f") == 0)
return 0;
printf("ERROR! - Unspecified Grade.");
Numbered Grade System:
4 - Excellent
3 - Very Good
2 - Good
1 - Pass
0 - Fail
int transGPA(float gpa){
if (gpa <= 4 && gpa >= 3.4)
return 4;
else if (gpa < 3.4 && gpa >= 2.8)
return 3;
else if (gpa < 2.8 && gpa >= 2.4)
return 2;
else if (gpa < 2.4 && gpa >= 2)
return 1;
return 0;
int welcome(){
int choice;
puts("\n\n\tWelcome to Ehab Eldeeb's GPA Calculator for AAST!\n\n");
puts("\t* Select one of the following: *");
puts("\t* **************************** *");
puts("\t* *");
puts("\t* *");
puts("\t* 0: Terminate GPA Calculator *");
puts("\t* 1: Calculate GPA for a Single Semester *");
puts("\t* 2: Calculate Total GPA for all Semesters *");
puts("\t* 3: Features of GPA Calculator *");
puts("\t* *: Any other choice will terminate the program. *");
printf("\n\nPlease Enter your choice: ");
scanf("%d", &choice);
return choice;
void single(){
int num;
char grade[3], msg[10];
float tot = 0;
printf("Enter Number of Courses This Semester: ");
scanf("%d", &num);
for (int i = 0; i < num; i++){
printf("Enter Grade for Course %d: ", i+1);
scanf("%s", grade);
tot += transform(grade);
if(transGPA(tot/num) == 4)