[Legacy Content] This page contains very old information, which might not be valid anymore, they are only kept here for legacy purposes.
if you have any inquiries, feel free to contact me! Click here
List of AAST Staff Phone Numbers
Lobna A Sherif (Dean)
Phone : +(20 2) 22685616
fax : 20222693422
officephone : 20222693422
Osama S. Tolba (Vice Dean)
Phone : +(20 2) 22685616
Abdelmoneim Y Aly (Head of...
List of AAST Staff E-Mails
These are the E-Mails of most AAST Teaching Staff
This was extracted from AAST's main website - [Cairo - Sheraton Campus]
To find someone's E-Mail, press "Ctrl + F" on your keyboard and write the...
GPA Calculator
I wrote this program back in June 2013, Now I'm sharing it on my little website :)
Note that you will get an error ".........dll is not found" if you don't have Visual Studio...
AAST Courses
This post was copied from my old website, only Manufacturing technology and Structured Programming are kept here
Other stuff (And new courses from now on) have been transferred here